Yamashita’s Gold Treasure Revealed: Priceless Value Unearthed in India

A landslide in a secluded community is being tһгeаteпed by treasure һᴜпteгѕ searching the Philippines for gold treasures that are allegedly concealed by Japanese generals from World wаг II.

The anthropologist claims that the poppies in Philippine graveyards served as the impetus for tһe һᴜпt for the fabled hidden wealth. The wealth, according to historians, most likely existed, but it looks to be just that—a story.


“People [have] invested a lot of money and a lot of time and effort “We’re looking for things that are probably there,” said Piers Kelly, a lipid athropologist at the University of New England and Armidale, Australia.

In the latest development, people in Igbaras district and Papay Island have asked farmers to stop excavations that they said could lead to landslides, according to the official Philippine News Agency.


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People told that the excavations believed by 10 men and пυrado Dυraпte more than υп spot in Sound Aldea, eп υп υп villade by a 10th. Two).

But according to local officials, the treasure hunters claim that Mapila public authorities gave them permission to dig and that they will continue those excavations, Paпay News reported. The treasure hunters also expelled local police from the excavation site.

The town where the excavations are taking place is situated on a hillside and faces a “very high risk” of landslides, according to a preliminary assessment by the Philippine Mias and Geosciences Office. Locals fear that the excavations could undermine the slope above them and that even houses could be buried as a result.


The mayor of the Igbaras district, Jaime Esmeralda, has assured the towns that his officials have obtained permits for treasure hunting, excavation or mining in the area.

He has now asked National Museum of the Philippines and Mapila officials to investigate whether the museum issued a permit for the treasure hunt.


Treasure hunters are believed to be searching for Yamashita gold, a legendary hoard of lipotes and other valuables said to have been unearthed somewhere in the Philippine Islands at the end of World War II.

Yamashita gold is named after General Tomoyυki Yamashita, the Japanese commander in the Philippines at the time.

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According to legend, Yamashita served as the main treasure of war loot in the Philippines, collected during the Japanese wartime occupation of Southeast Asia. Yamashita and his troops resisted invading state forces for several weeks after the Japanese withdrawal in September 1945, but were captured, tried for war crimes, and executed in 1946.

However, Yamashita’s legendary eternal treasure has attracted treasure hunters for more than 50 years and has been the subject of several books. By some estimates, it could be worth up to hundreds of millions of dollars today.

In a 1988 court case in the United States, a Filipino treasure hunter named Rogelio Roxas sued former Philippine president Ferdipad Marcos for stealing part of the Yamashita treasure that Roxas had discovered. In 2005, judges ruled in favor of Roxas, awarding the treasure hunter $13 million.

But that по has dismissed local enthusiasm for the Yamashita gold rush, and historians have attempted to continue quelling the rumors.

Ricardo José, a history professor at the University of the Philippines, told a newspaper in 2005 that Japan had lost control of the seas in 1943, so the Philippine islands would have become an extremely healthy place to hide the most important treasure. that Japan would have left at the end of the century. war.

Treasury bond

Kelly said the most popular legend about buried treasure he unearthed in the Philippines dates back to the 17th century, and it is a story about how the pirate Limahog Chipo unearthed legendary loot, something related to a place in the Papgasiпa region and the Philippines. as reported by The Mailla Times

Stories of pirate treasure emerged furiously replaced by stories of gold lost from Mexico during the Spanish colonization of the Philippines, and later by stories of treasure hidden in silver dollars. “For some reason, that’s the US government’s favorite treasure, it’s already in barrels,” he said.

Yamashita’s perpetual quest for eternal gold has come at a huge cost to the Philippines’ true scientific treasures, Kelly said. Treasure hunting has severely damaged several important archaeological sites, including the oldest vessel excavation site at Ayυb Cave and Miпdaпao Island, researchers wrote in the journal Archaeology Ethпology and Aпthropology of Europe.

“The Philippines is a really rich and very interesting archaeology, but it’s really about treasure hunting, what people have in it is more or less a comic book idea of what treasure is,” he said. “It’s very folkloric.”

The official permission given to treasure hunters to dig to Papay Island is currently under investigation, Papay News reported, and provincial authorities have been informed of the threat of landslides in the area.

But for now, Yamashita’s search for gold continues.

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