Regalo de Tyson para el campeón 96-0 Jon Jones: Una salvaje Ford F-150 de 96,000 dólares
Mike Tyson sorprende a Jon Jones con una Ford F150 6×6 para honrar 96 combates invictos de MMA sin precedentes En un impresionante gesto de deportividad y camaradería, el legendario boxeador Mike Tyson sorprendió al mundo de las MMA al regalarle a Jon Jones, el renombrado…

Gilded Footprints of History: Lucky Man Stumbles Upon Ancient Gold-Stamped Shoes and a Trove of Intact Jewelry from 530 BC
Discovered in 1968 by an amateur archaeologist near Hochdorf an der Enz, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, and excavated in 1978/79, the Hochdorf Chieftain’s Grave is a richly furnished Celtic burial chamber dating from 530 BC. It is one of about 100 such graves …

Lost in Time No More: Tanis Excavation Stuns the World with the Unprecedented Find of an Untouched Pharaoh’s Tomb and Massive Gold Deposits!
Virtually unknown, the discovery of three intact Egyptian Pharaoh’s tombs rivals King Tut’s discovery. This is the story of the gold of the Pharaohs and the Treasure of Tanis. The tomb of Tutankhamun is one of the most fascinating discoveries ever made, …

The Discovery of Ancient Culinary Secrets: 2,000-Year-Old Thermopolium Unearthed in Pompeii Welcomes Visitors
Decorated with colourful frescos, the snack bar was unearthed back in 2020 in Regio V, the north-eastern sector of Pompeii which spans some 54 hectares. Archaeologists believed that, in its heyday, the thermopolium would have served the ancient city’s …

Ancient Egyptian Cow God Resurfaces After Being Submerged for 1000 Years
Lost artefacts from sunken cities dubbed the Atlantis of Egypt are to be together for the first time after laying submerged for more than a thousand years. Enormous statues, golden jewellery and hieroglyphic tablets which were feared lost forever have …

10,000 Ancient Roman Gold Coins Buried Underground
A massive haul of more than 10,000 Roman coins has been unearthed by an amateur metal detecting enthusiast – on his first ever treasure hunt. The silver and bronze ‘nummi’ coins, dating from between 240AD and 320AD, were discovered in a farmer’s field …

Incredible Discovery: The Oldest Basket in the World and a 2,000-year-old Jewish Coin
A well-preserved basket dates to the Pre-Pottery Neolithic period, approximately 10,500 years ago, is seen in the Israel Museum in Jerusalem on March 16, 2021.(Photo: Xinhua) A staff member shows fragments of the new discovered Dead Sea Scroll in a lab …

Aventura Nueva con la Dodge Power Wagon ’53: Elegancia Clásica, Potencia Moderna
En el mundo de las camionetas antiguas, pocos íconos son más altos que el Dodge Power Wagon B3PW de 1953. Esta obra maestra de una tonelada ha resistido los años con gracia, y su reciente remodelación, completada durante la propiedad anterior, ha respirado…

IAT Kalman: Explora la criatura robot ultra realista de seis metros, marcando el inicio de una nueva era de dinosaurios con un valor de 1,85 millones de dólares.
De todos los autos raros y extravagantes que hemos visto en la edición de este año. De todos los autos extraños y extravagantes que hemos visto en el Salón del Automóvil de Beijing de este año, nada se acerca ni remotamente al SUV Kalмan de IAT. Con más ángulos que una escalera de caracol,…

Mercedes-AMG SL 43: Experimenta niveles sorprendentes de compromiso y emoción
Un AMG SL de cuatro cilindros no suena bien, pero, sorprendentemente, funciona. Siempre ha existido un argumento comercial para que Mercedes ofrezca un motor de menor potencia en su icónico turismo deportivo Clase SL, particularmente en su forma más común, como…