La especial historia de amor de Jynsen y ‘Tres’ toca millones de corazones


In a small town in Shelbyville, Indiana, the lens of Ashley Mae Photography captured a tender moment challenging societal norms. The heartwarming photographs, which quickly gained popularity on Facebook, tell a tale of a young boy’s genuine connection with a doll, breaking down stereotypes and emphasizing the universal language of love.

Ashley, the talented photographer and mother of three, shared that her inspiration behind the series was to bring joy to her kids, especially when her husband, a military man, was deployed. Their routine Walmart trips for something special took an unexpected turn when Jynsen, her son, strolled down the doll aisle.


Choosing a stroller and bottles for his newfound friend, named Three, Jynsen expressed his desire to have a doll of his own. Unbeknownst to Ashley, Three held unique significance to Jynsen. When he asked if they could arrange a photo shoot for Three, Ashley eagerly obliged, wrapping the doll in a stretchy wrap and giving Jynsen guidance during the session.

As Ashley explained, “He’s used to being in front of my camera and is a natural model, so this session was pretty typical; we just added his ‘baby’ into the mix.”


The series garnered attention worldwide, evoking both positive and negative reactions. Despite encountering criticism about her son playing with a doll, especially one of a different race, Ashley remained steadfast in her support for Jynsen.

While Jynsen is passionate about motocross biking and playing in the mud, Ashley appreciates his softer side. She emphasized that there’s nothing wrong with boys playing with dolls, and it doesn’t diminish their ability to grow into caring and affectionate individuals. Ashley firmly believes that such decisions should be left to the child’s discretion.


In Ashley’s words, “It was essential for me to share my perspective to show that it’s acceptable to play with a variety of toys. Toys have no gender distinctions. If they wish, boys should be able to play with dolls and kitchen sets, while girls should be allowed to play with trucks and tools.”

With Jynsen’s father back from deployment, Three may receive slightly less attention, but the impact of these heartwarming photographs endures. Through this meaningful photo series, Ashley advocates for a more compassionate and open-minded perspective, challenging preconceived notions of what is considered ‘normal.’ In the end, it’s a celebration of love, compassion, and the freedom for every child to play with toys that bring them joy.

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